Simon's Yellow Wordsearch

I create short, challenging wordsearches for all ages. These wordsearches also include mazes, colouring in drawings and anagrams.

Volume 2 - Animals, Bugs and Insects


Volume 3 - Trees, Plants and Flowers


Volume 4 - Motor Vehicles, Boats and Aeroplanes


Volume 5 - Coming Soon


Volume 6 - Coming Soon


Volume 7 - Coming Soon


Volume 8 - Coming Soon


Simon's Yellow Wordsearch contains 49 different puzzles, a combination of wordsearches, anagrams, colouring in and mazes to complete.

It is important to keep a game or a puzzle fun and interesting, and less of a chore, and 49 is the perfect number to keep the fun alive while remaining challenged.

The bonus of just 49 puzzles is the accomplishment you feel when you finally complete the entire book!

To discuss stocking my puzzle books in your shop, or to buy a personalised wordsearch puzzle book as a gift, please contact me using the form below.